What is Batala ?
BATALA is a worldwide project promoting and sharing Afro-Brazilian percussion specifically samba-reggae which originates from Salvador da Bahia, Brazil. Over 1500 percussionists perform playing compositions created by Giba Gonçalves, but it’s not just a musical project, the ethos is that of inclusion, equality and joining together to make music and enrich members lives and communities. Including giving back to the original community in Brazil.
Batala's creator
Giba Gonçalves
In 1997, Bahian percussionist Giba Gonçalves created the first chapter in Paris of what has become Batala Mundo, a worldwide project promoting and sharing Afro-Brazilian percussion specifically samba-reggae which originates from Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.
Our Spirit
Eu sou Batala, o tambor cantor
Gente de toda raça,
gente de toda cor.
I am Batala, the singing drum.
People of all races, people of all colors
(extract from the song "Tambor cantor")
Around the world
In the world
One Love, One Drum...
This project under Erasmus+ programme, in specific, the KA227 – Partnerships for Creativity (Youth Education) consist of produce a pedagogical tool, using music and rythm, that should become a powerful educational tool in the area of non-formal education, for the social inclusion of groups of young people marginalized and / or excluded from society.